Yemen strikes visualised
These graphs draw from our comprehensive database of US covert actions in Yemen, from 2002 to present.
The data was compiled during the Bureau’s extensive investigation into the US covert war in Yemen. They are conservative representations of the Bureau’s data which is made up of ranges not absolute figures.
You can download the full data, including the graphs. The material on this site is published under a Creative Commons license – you are free to reuse it provided you credit the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
The minimum confirmed US drone strikes in Yemen each year since the first in 2002.
The minimum number of people killed in confirmed US drone strikes in Yemen. There was one drone strike in 2002 followed by a nine year hiatus. The US launched strikes with other weapons platforms, including cruise missiles, in this period.
The minimum number of civilians reportedly killed in confirmed US drone strikes in Yemen. There was one drone strike in 2002 followed by a nine year hiatus. The US launched strikes with other weapons platforms, including cruise missiles, in this period.