Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2020
The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2020. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.
Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate. The Bureau ceased recording strikes in February 2020.
US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.
The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.
US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.
Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.
The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.
Full data
The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.
We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.
Strikes recorded by the Bureau | |
Total reported strikes | 1012 |
Total reported killed | 6-124 |
Civilians reported killed | 0-42 |
Children reported killed | 0-4 |
Total reported injured | 0-32 |
Strikes Page 2
Three strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Takhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of a strike in Takhar on this day. An airstrike in the province killed seven Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
The Afghan MoD reportedly said that the security forces carried out the strike in the Baharak district.
While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as they often provide the security forces with air support.
Jalal Sirat, alias Nasrat, the deputy commander of the Red Unit of Taliban in Takhar was among those killed. Ahmadullah Taloqani, one of the senior commanders of the group in Takhar was also killed and three others wounded.
Multiple Taliban motorcycles were also reportedly destroyed.
Khaama Press did not explicitly give a date for this strike, so we have recorded it as the date they reported on it.
A later report by Xinhua claimed that the Afghan Air Force were responsible for the strike. They reported that the strike was carried out at 9pm local time in the Masjid-i-Safid village on Friday [14th] night.
Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that the local media reports are referring to the confirmed US strike in Takhar on this day.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Takhar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, Khaama Press, Khaama Press, Xinhua
Three strikes hit Kunduz province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kunduz province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kandahar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Herat province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Herat province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Nine strikes hit Badghis province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Badghis province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Nine civilians were killed in a US airstrike in eastern Nangarhar, the New York Times reported.
One of the eight was said to have been a child.
A spokesperson for the provincial governor of Nangarhar confirmed the incident but did not say who the victims were.
Taliban spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that 11 civilians were killed in the incident.
"Unfortunately, eight civilians, including a child, were martyred during (the) operation against the Taliban," the provincial governor's spokesperson Attaullah Khogyanai told Efe news.
"The target of the attack was Taliban militants who wanted to establish checkpoints on the road, but unfortunately civilians were hit," Khogyanai told AFP.
Provincial council member, Ajmal Omar, said the civilians were returning from a picnic when they were hit, according to IANS. They also reported that a Nangarhar security official that nine Taliban fighters were also killed in the military operation.
The strike came just hours after President Donald Trump announced a breakthrough in the Taliban peace talks.
Talib Khan, a relative of the dead, also told AFP the victims had been driving home from a picnic when their truck was hit, killing everyone inside.
Another relative, Shah Mir, 70, said: "No other breadwinner is left in my house, all my three sons were killed. I have a dozen grandchildren, I don't know how to bring them up."
The Gulf Times put the death toll at nine civilians with provincial councillors Abdul Qahar Qadir and Ajmal Omar saying that the strike was in the Kakarak area of Sorkh Rod district.
A US military spokesman said they were "looking into the incident" and an Afghan defence ministry spokesman said they had launched an investigation.
We are currently unable to record this in our database of confirmed US strikes until we have confirmation that it was US forces, rather than Afghan.
US Forces - Afghanistan did not record any strikes in Nangarhar on this day in their monthly release of strike data.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kakarak area, Sorkh Rod district, eastern Nangarhar province
- References: Reuters, IANS, AFP, Gulf Times, New York Times Afghan War Casualty Report
Ten strikes hit Zabul province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Zabul province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kandahar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Eleven strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Nine strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of strikes in Farah on this day. Airstrikes in the province killed four Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
The Special Operations Corps of the Afghan military reportedly said that the strikes were carried out in the Posht e Rod district and also destroyed a vehicle.
No reference was made as to who carried out the strike.
Khaama Press did not explicitly give a date for this strike, so we have recorded it as the date that it was reported on.
Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press are referring to one of the confirmed US strikes in Farah on this day.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, Khaama Press
Four strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Nangarhar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Nangarhar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Four strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Laghman province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Six strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kandahar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Ten strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of a strike in Helmand on this day. An airstrike in southern Helmand killed five Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
Military officials reportedly said that the strike was carried out in the Sang district over the past 24 hours - it is therefore unclear whether the strike was carried out on February 11 or 10.
No further details were given.
US Forces - Afghanistan recorded strikes in Helmand on both of these days. Without further locational information from them, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press are referring to one of the confirmed strikes.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, Khaama Press
Two strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Balkh province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Balkh province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Four strikes hit Zabul province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Zabul province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Uruzgan province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Laghman province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Kapisa province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kapisa province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kandahar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of a strike in Helmand on this day. An airstrike in the province killed a number of Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
Military officials reportedly said that a strike hit the Nahr e Saraj district - between this and two strikes in other provinces, 21 Taliban fighters were killed. It is not clear how many were killed in each strike.
While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as they often provide air support for the security forces.
The strike was said to have taken place over the past 24 hours - it is therefore unclear whether it happened on February 10 or 9.
US Forces - Afghanistan confirmed strikes in Helmand on both of these days. Without further locational information from them, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press is referring to one of those strikes.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, Khaama Press
Three strikes hit Baghlan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Baghlan province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Badghis province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Badghis province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Eight strikes hit Zabul province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Zabul province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Logar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Kunar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of a strike in Kunar at this time. An airstrike in Kunar province killed a number of Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
Military officials reportedly said that a strike hit the Chawkai district - between this and two strikes in other provinces, 21 Taliban fighters were killed. It is not clear how many were killed in each strike.
Separately, Khaama Press reported that a strike hit the Nadir Shah Kot district - within those 21 deaths.
While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as they often provide air support for the security forces.
The strike was said to have taken place over the past 24 hours - it is therefore unclear whether it happened on February 10 or 9.
US Forces - Afghanistan recorded a strike in Kunar on February 9 that could refer to this incident, but without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan we cannot be sure.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kunar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, Khaama Press, Khaama Press
One strike hit Khost province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Khost province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Four strikes hit Badghis province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Badghis province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
A precision airstrike in Balkh province killed one "high profile Taliban leader", Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
Mohammad Gul, alias Abu Bakar, was reportedly in charge of high-tech weapons for the Taliban.
The security forces were said to have carried out the strike at 5:30pm local time in the Dilbar village in Chemtal district of Balkh province.
While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as they often provide air support for the security forces.
US Forces - Afghanistan did not record any strikes in Balkh on this day in their monthly release of strike data.
- Type of strike: Possible US air or drone strike
- Location: Dilbar village, Chemtal district, Balkh province
- References: Khaama Press, US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Three strikes hit Zabul province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Zabul province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Wardak province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Paktia province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Paktia province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Nangarhar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Five strikes hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Logar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
One strike hit Kunar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kunar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Five strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Kandahar province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Jawzjan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Jawzjan province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Eight strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Helmand province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
There had been previous reports of strikes in Farah on this day. An airstrike in Farah killed five civilian businessmen, according to the provincial governor and a Farah MP, TOLO News reported.
It was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.
The five were said to have been travelling from Farah City to Abu Nasar Farahi Port when their vehicle was struck.
“We have set up a commission to investigate the incident and will share its findings with the governor's office and we will take serious action,” said Farah's governor Massoud Bakhtor.
The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission AIHRC expressed concern about the casualties and took note that the numbers had increased lately. The AIHRC spokesperson Zabiullah Farhang called on all parties to respect international law and the Afghan constitution. Zaman Sultani, Amnesty International Researcher for South Asia said:“Unfortunately, we do not see any proper action towards civilian victims of the Afghan conflict, and we do not see any accountability for those who caused civilian casualties.”
We will reach out to Resolute Support for their civilian casualty assessment of this allegation.
Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that TOLO News are referring to one of the confirmed US strikes in Farah on this day.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Farah province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary, TOLO News, Digital Journal
One strike hit Balkh province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Balkh province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary
Two strikes hit Zabul province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.
No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
- Type of strike: US air or drone strike
- Location: Zabul province
- References: US Forces - Afghanistan strike summary