For Journalists

If you have a story for us there are several ways we can work with you.

If you are a freelance journalist and have an idea for an investigation, we could pay you to work with us on that story if we think it is strong enough.

The Bureau’s award-winning investigative series into Joint Enterprise came after an approach from a freelancer who we then contracted to work with us.

A recent investigation revealing that nine young children were killed in President Donald Trump's first counterterrorism raid is another example of a Bureau collaboration with freelance journalists.

If you are a journalist with a good story but there are reasons you cannot be associated with it, you can tip us off and we can take it on.

If you are employed by a paper or broadcaster but you need our help to develop the story we can work with you and your outlet for a joint-bylined article.

We are also always looking for new publishing partners in print, radio and television to run stories we are already working on. More information for editors or journalists interested in co-publishing the Bureau’s work can be found here.

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