EU Commission Spending

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s report on the EU Commission’s expenditure was picked up by the news media in numerous European countries.

In the UK the story was on the front page of the Daily Telegraph, it also appeared in the Guardian, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail and the Sun.

City AM also ran with our findings and CNN International featured an interview with the Bureau’s Editor Iain Overton.

The story gained further UK coverage with BBC’s Newsnight running a report and debate on the issue with the Bureau’s journalist Caelainn Barr.

In Austria the story ran in the national daily Der Standard, as well as Krone,  Nachrichten, Volksblatt, Vol and Relevant (amongst others).

There was more European pick up of the investigation with Sweden’s Expressen and the Hungarian publication, Népszabadság.

It even caused a splash down under earning coverage in the Sydney Morning Herald.

In the Canary Islands the story ran on the newswire service Agencia ACN Press and in Spain with El Mundo.