Commission rules on spending

These are the Commission’s general rules on missions, accommodation, event organisation, flight chartering etc.

Daily mission allowances: Daily mission allowances are established on the basis of the country of the mission. They are divided up into two broad groups (EU and non-EU) and, as a flat-rate amount, are considered to cover all the staff member’s expenses. Staff on mission must draw up a statement of expenses, which are then controlled.

Transport:  Staff travelling on mission must use the most appropriate and cost-effective means of transport for achieving the purposes of the mission in the interests of the service.

Rules on using air taxis/chartering flights: The use of air taxis is only authorised under exceptional circumstances, either when commercial flights are not available to reach a destination or when they do not fit with the Commissioner’s agenda constraints. All aspects are carefully checked, including agenda planning, so that the use of an air taxi is only envisaged as a last option. Their use is authorised by the President, on a case by case basis. Unlike governments, the Commission does not have its own ‘planes. The Commission chooses the best provider for air taxis through a competitive call for tender, according to the financial regulations

Accommodation: Accommodation costs are reimbursed together with the daily subsistence allowance.  Please see the table attached which shows daily allowances in Euros and ceilings for hotels in Euros.

Missions for High Officials: Members of the Commission are bound by the Guide to Missions and the Code of Conduct for Commissioners.  Cabinet staff as all other officials are bound by the same guide.

Expenditure on events/receptions organised by Cabinets/Commissioners: Each Cabinet has an allocated budget that could be used for representation expenditure incurred when meeting people from outside the Institutions, either at their place of employment or on a mission, provided that the event is in the Commission’s interest. Reimbursement is made on the basis of original receipts.

Other: More generally speaking, the President and Commissioners have budgets for travel and expenses. These expenses form part of the College’s global envelope, the total of which is fixed annually by the budgetary authority and distributed between all Members according to his/her respective requirements, under the responsibility of the President’s office.