Mapped: Short term loan shops in Scotland

Above: A map showing short-term loan shops superimposed onto deprivation data. The darker the map, the more deprived the area.

Glasgow has 40 shops offering short-term loans – more than any other local authority in the UK, research from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has found.

  • Not only did Glasgow have the highest number of stores in the UK, it also had the highest concentration of stores in Scotland, with 6.7 loan shops per 100,000 people.
  • The Clyde region was also heavily represented in the Bureau’s rankings – West Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde were the second and third highest ranked local authorities in Scotland in terms of the number of stores per 100,000 residents.
  • As part of its investigation the Bureau made a map showing the position of loan stores superimposed onto a map of measures of social deprivation. The map clearly shows how lending shops are located predominantly in areas of high social deprivation.

Related story: UK – One short-term lender for every seven banks on the high street